Our Impact


We are busy making changes to ensure safety and protection for all.

using idap to respond to covid-19

The same tools we use to study the immune response to food allergens can be utilized to study the immune response to SARS-CoV-2 which induces COVID-19.
Until now, big data has largely been applied to the commercial world, predicting human interactions and behaviors. Imagine if the same principles of big data in the commercial world applied to the medical world — driving research hypotheses, treatment protocols, and medical outcomes.

This very idea powers the TPIRC clinical care and research model. TPIRC truly is where big data meets big medicine.

TPIRC is evolving with covid-19

In response to COVID-19, the Infectious Disease Awareness Platform known as “IDAP” was developed by a team of top physicians and researchers at TPIRC to safeguard all health care employees, patients, and their families. We have adapted a workplace safety platform from our data-driven approach to treating orphan diseases. Infection control has allowed us to stay open throughout COVID-19 and protect our workforce against future illnesses and threats. Shutdowns do not have to be the first option when proper safeguards exist.
The IDAP program is designed to expand outside of a clinical setting and can be implemented into business and school environments to provide trackable and accountable measures to ensure the safety of the employees and students functioning within a space. Learn more about
IDAP here.

We are also currently offering optional COVID-19 testing for our patients, their immediate family, and our TPIRC and Southern California Food Allergy Institute staff. This testing takes place at an adjacent clinic, in a facility separate from our other clinics.

Stay Informed

TPIRC's Founder and Chief Executive, Dr. Inderpal
Randhawa, has been educating our patients and the
public on the COVID-19 outbreak and virus since late
March through a series of informational videos.