Our model of data collection and analysis opens the door for truly patient-driven research derived from real-world, clinical data and outcomes rather than laboratory hypotheses. This collection of shared information offers the greatest hope to truly advance treatment protocols for rare and orphaned diseases.
Demographic, Clinical and Diagnostic Correlation of Almond Allergy in a Cohort of Nut Allergy Patients.
Marsteller, N.L., Morphew, T., Randhawa, I., Ann. Allergy (2020). Submitted
Evaluating the potential allergenicity of dietary proteins using model strong to non-allergenic proteins in germ-free mice….
Marsteller, N.L. et al. Food Chem Toxicol, 111398 (2020).
Cystic fibrosis patients at risk for disease progression marked by decline in FEV1% predicted: development of the cystic fibrosis risk of di…
Marsteller, N.L., Nussbaum, E., Morphew, T. & Randhawa, I.S. J Thorac Dis 11, 5557-5565 (2019).
Tolerance Induction Program Effect Explains Variation in Wheal Size, sIgE, and IgG4 in Peanut Allergic Children….
Randhawa, I., Marsteller, N.L., Morphew, T. J Allergy Ther 10:2 (2019)
Allergy Evaluation During Hospitalized Asthma Improves Disease Management Outcomes.
Brock, J.P., Nussbaum, E., Morphew, T.L., Marsteller, N.L. et al. SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine. 1, 328-333 (2019).
Correlation of negative skin-prick test results for tree nuts and successful tree nut challenges among children with peanut allergy….
Randhawa, I., Morphew, T. & Marsteller, N.L. Allergy and asthma proceedings : The Official Journal of Regional and State Allergy Societies. 39, 456-460 (2018).
Experimental evaluation of the importance of colonization history in early-life gut microbiota assembly….
Martinez, I., & Marsteller, N.L et al. Elife 7 (2018).